IceChat Popup Menus

This section is for learning what PopupMenus are for in the IceChat Editor for IceChat.  Open the IceChat Editor (CTRL-S) and go to the PopupMenus tab. Then, from the Popup Type Menu, choose which Popup Menu you wish to edit. it starts by default, with the Nicklist Popup menu.

The Popup Menu will show an example of what the popupmenu will look like. If you are editing it, click on the Save Button, and it will update the Popup Menu accordingly.

IceChat will let you to create custom popup menus for the Console, Channels, Queries, NickList, BussyList, and the Main Menu Bar, or Script Menu.

The format for Popup menu items is:


If you just use ItemName on its own, it becomes a Header. If you want to create submenus, use a "." before the ItemName. For example:

Channel Modes 
.Op:/mode # +o $1
.Voice:/mode # +v $1
.Kick:/kick # $1

This will add a header called "Channel Modes" and then 3 submenus of it, will be Op, Voice and Kick. "#" is replaced with the current channel, and $1 will be replaced by the nickname, if this is called from the Nicklist Popup.

Make sure to "Save and Exit" so that your popup menus are saved and updated.

You can add to popups from Scripts as well.  To do this, open the IceChat Editor (CTRL-S) and go to the Scritps tab. Lets say you want to add the above item for Channel Modes, but add it from a script. Type the following:

menu nicklist { 
Channel Modes
.Op:/mode # +o $1
.Voice:/mode # +v $1
.Kick:/kick # $1

The menu type is nicklist, which means this will be added to the Nicklist Popup menu, when this script is loaded. It will not show up in the Popup Menus tab, under nicklist, as it is loaded seperately from that.

All the menu 'types' are nicklist, console, channel, query and script.

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