IceChat 7 Scripting Style

This section is for learning how to use the new IceChat 7 Style scripting, which is new in IceChat 7. IceChat 7 allows for mirc style scripts, as well as the IceChat 5 scripting style, using VBS. You can not mix the 2 different styles in the same file, but you can load the different styles, as long as they are in seperate files.

Just to start off, the mirc scripts are not a perfect copy off of mirc, only some of the basics works. So do not expect to copy your mirc script directly, and expect it to work in IceChat. Some of the formatting for the { } brackets and spacing needed to be changed.

In the IceChat Editor, and then the Scripts Tab, is where you add/write the scripts. For just seeing some quick examples, use the Script Events menu, choose IceChat 7 Style, and see what kinds are avaialble, and then it will paste in an example for the script.

But lets start with a very simple script, using the ON TEXT script event. On Text is fired anytime someone else writes a message in a channel, query or dcc chat. In this example, we will use a channel. The basic format for the on text event is as follows.

on *:TEXT:<text to match>:#channel:/echo some command when a channel gets text

Lets say, we want a script to fire, any time someone writes “!help”, in the channel #help. It will now look like this.

on *:TEXT:!help:#help:/say $chan Hello $nick , you have asked for help.

What the above will do, is say Hello NickName, in that channel. $chan will get replace with the channel that trggered the event, in this case #help, and $nick will get replaced by the person that said !help.

If you want to do a couple of commands, enter it like this.

on *:TEXT:!hello:#icechat:{
/say $chan Hello $nick , how are you
/say $chan Welcome to $chan

This now will trigger any time someone writes !hello in the channel #icechat, and will say Hello NickName, how are you, and then will also say Welcome to #icechat.

This document is not finished, more to come.

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