IceChat 7 Scripting

Scripting can be a major part of any IRC Client.

Scripting can be used when certain events happen while your IRC Client is connected to an IRC Server. For instance. You can check for incoming text in a channel, and look for bad words. If a bad word is said, you can then do a multitude of actions to the nickname(s) that said these bad words. You can say a message back to that person, or kick them from the channel, providing a warning, etc. You can customize many of the events for incoming data from servers, and customize what is said, what colors to use, etc.

The Default Scripting Engine in IceChat 7 is a clone of the mirc style scripts. Although, it is not a perfect copy of it, as some items are not complete, the majority of the simpler scripts will work with little or not editing. There is a lot of help online about this, so it will not be discussed in great detail here.
IceChat 5 used the Visual Basic Scripting (VBS) Engine. This is still part of IceChat 7, but no longer the default style. IceChat Scripts reside in Documents and Settings\\%usename%>\\Application Data\\IceChat\\Scripts Folder, and have an extension of “ICE” for the VBS Style Scripts, and “ICS” for the new style. IceChat has its own Script Editor built into the Client, to edit these files, or one could use Notepad or any other simple text editor, to edit them that way. The Internal Script Editor is very basic, but when the Scripts are saved, it will be told in the “Console” in the First Window if there are any errors, so they can be corrected.

To save a script as an IceChat 5 Style (VBS) style script, you must use the “Save As” menu item. Then under the “Save as Type” selection, you will choose “IceChat 5 Script (*.ice)” to tell IceChat 7 this is a IceChat 5 style script file.

We will discuss the IceChat VBS style scripting, which is used in IceChat 5 and IceChat 7, in the sections below.

IceChat 7 Scripting Style — Learn how to use mirc style scripting

IceChat 5 Scripting Style — Learn how to use Visual Basic Scripting (VBS) style

IceChat 5 VB Scripting – Using the File System Object (FSO)

IceChat Identifiers

IceChat Aliases

IceChat Popup Menus — IceChat has many customizable Popup Menus

IceChat User Levels — For IceChat7 style scripting

IceChat Variables — For IceChat7 style scripting

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